
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Maci@ Ibu@ Miss President


Hari ini I nak post pasal somebody ni. Kalau dia x ada x lengkaplah kehidupan aku kat UMS terchenta ni...(Terchentalah Sangat Nok)... Entry ini khas aku tujukan kepada c Maci zora @ Ibu @ Miss President... NYAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY... Anda semakin TUA...Hahahahaha...

Ini org yg bertuah n perasan Vouge tau..hahahha

It doesnt matter how long we have been friends
It's cause we just click that it all depends.
I met you and decided we would be mates
Cause I know we were brought together by fate.

Friends with you I will always be
And I know you'll be there for me.
We'll go through our ups and downs together
In the knowledge we always have each other.

So happy birthday,my dear,dear friend
I'll be with you till the end.
So here's a wish for many more
And happy times for us galore

You‘ve been my friend in history,
Past, present and future, 
Girl you know all is true, 
Without you I would be indeed so blue.

Omg...Aku copy paste jak 2 maci.. Nanti terkejut plak ko BI aku power..hahahaha...

Zor, Zora, Zoraya, Miss President,
Engkau satu dalam sejuta,
Perangaimu yang santai membabi buta,
Membuat hal mu setiap masa.

Zor, Zora, Zoraya, Ibu,
Kau ingat kau Vouge Setiap Masa,
Tapi kau Memang Vouge Pun ( tangan kat dada mata ke atas),
Please Jangan Perasaan LaLaLa...

Aku tak tau mau sambung apa lepas 2 maci..hahahaha,, Anyway Maci Happy birthday, semoga apa yang kau impikan tercapai...(ayat cliche) hahahhaa. Aku senang kawan dengan kau....Kau ada bila aku senang, susah, sedih n gembira.... I LOVE U MACI ZORAYA...

Me N C Maci...

Semua pic aku ambik dr fb c maci..hahahah


ZoRa BiEy said...

i love u too maciii!!hahhahaha

IyanAslom said...

love u...but i love MR G MORE..hahahhaa