
Monday, March 19, 2012

It's time for Drama Queen

That Women

A shadow in the darkness
Always behind you 
She's always by your side but 
You don't have a clue 
Everyday she'll call your name 
Hoping you'll turn around and stay 
But you just walk right through me 
Knowing I love you

Invisible and silent
To you 
In someone else's hands 
What could she do?
She sits in loneliness 
You've torn her happiness 
And you freely walked away not knowing what you did 

And even in the darkness
There is light 
With one look in your eyes 
Every wrong becomes right 
Forever in my heart 
Forever in my mind 
You have always held the pieces from the very start

That women is standing by you
If you'd only knew 
She's always right beside you 
But you don't have a clue 
Everyday she'll call your name 
Hoping you'll turn around and stay 
But you just walk right through me 
Knowing I love you

I don't want to be the one who's loving you
I didn't know that you would play me like a fool
Did you know that I'm not easy? 

Just how much more do I have to do?
To get you loving me 
What can I do? 
To love you from afar 
Just like a beggar's heart 
If I love you secretly then will you love me too?

Just come a little closer to me
When I'm next to you, 
You move away quietly 
I'm the one who loves you 
The one who stands besides you 
That women who loving you.


X lama lagi April akan menjelma. Jadi maknanya x lama lg aku akan bercuti ke KL bersama Maci n org tu. Huhu. Maka itu semua trip ke UM utk Program HA 24 Sejarah.

Berbalik kepada ayat2 di atas, jgn risau that's not my art. I copy paste jak tu. Kenapa? Why? Sebab aku rasa maknya sedikit sebanyak ada kena mengena dengan aku.. Ok itu saja... 

                                                                                Peace I Love U MR G